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                           6.4.2 X00.SYS

         X00, written by Ray Gwinn, is a device driver (later versions
         can also be loaded as an executable from AUTOEXEC.BAT), it is
         loaded from your CONFIG.SYS file when your machine is
         started. For a detailed description of the X00 driver, read
         the documentation included in the X00 distribution archive.


         device = X00.SYS E 1 B,1,38400 T=512 R=1024

         E           Disable 5 second advertisement when X00 is first

         1           Number of COM ports X00 should allow to be
                     accessed at one time.

         B,1,38400   Locks COM2 at 38,400 BPS (for use with the 14,400
                     HST or HST/DS modems).

         T=512       Specifies a transmit buffer of 512 bytes.

         R=1024      Specifies a receive buffer of 1024 bytes.

         If you are not using a high-speed modem the above example may
         not be what you want. The most common command line for X00

             device=X00.SYS E 1

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